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2022 Alesia Hicks
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The proud daughter of Debbie Hicks and Alvin Lewis, born and raised in Birmingham, Al. At the tender age of 3, Alesia began to develop her gift of singing when she was afforded opportunities to perform for the likes of Mayor Bernard Kincaid and Mayor Richard Arrington.  Not many years later, Alesia relocated to Los Angeles and then on to Washington State.  It was there during her high school years at Lakewood High School, Alesia wanted to be part of something bigger by attending an HBCU.  Upon graduation, she decided to return home and attend Miles College to pursue her Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice.  

While on campus, Alesia involved herself in spaces that were near to her such as SGA, UNCF, Miles College Golden Voices and became a founding member of Lambda Psi Sorority Incorporated founded 2008, which continues to thrive with active members on campus today! Alesia is a Miles College graduate, class of 2011. Not stopping there, Alesia continued her education and graduated in 2015 with a Master’s in Human Service Counseling. Today, Alesia is now the owner of a successful, six figure company,  while being a prominent worship leader and background singer for multiple, celebrity and nationally known artists such as Ke Ke Wyatt, J. Howell and many more.

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